KJC Games is a PBM company located in Blackpool, England. It mostly serves players in Europe and is the largest in this part of the world. This site is not directly meant to advertize their products, but to raise general interest for a hobby I enjoy. However, if you like these pages and decide to join one of their games, you could refer to these pages and I could get some credits for it. That is eventually all I get from making and keeping these pages. Read more about it on the joining pages.

KJC Games Now have launched their own homepages, and not to confuse people, and save update time which I don't have, I will eventually cut down on these pages and move my links to the Official KJC Homepage.

What is Play-By-Mail?

Why would anyone want to play a game through the mail?

Aren't you tired of playing games by yourself or with the same people again and again?

How does it work? 5 steps

A little bit about us for your files

Our Games


Contact Info/Joining games
